Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Fun fact: Practically everyone living outside the United States that I have met/seen in Egypt is terrified that they are going to die of Swine Flu and whenever you walk by tourists at monuments or sites, they will shamelessly shield their faces so that Americans will not cough in their faces instantly killing them on the spot - or something.

Thus, my university has been ordered by the Egyptian government to shut down the school until October 2nd starting tomorrow. We have this Friday-Tuesday off already for Eid al-Fatr to celebrate the end of the Ramadan, so that gives us two and a half weeks off altogether. This means perhaps another trip is in order? Nimisha's Swine Flu Tour '09? 

To top off this most fortuitous day, my Arabic professor rescheduled our Arabic quiz that I probably would have failed anyway, and I'm eating the most delicious falafel sandwich from an Egyptian take-out place on campus that I paid 2.75 Egyptian pounds for, or .55 American cents. 


  1. AHHH COME VISIT!! My thoughts exactly. I arrive Saturday. Or, meet me at the Van Gogh Museum tomorrow morning. I'll be wearing stripes, in case you don't recognize me otherwise.

  2. I would like to add AHH COME VISIT!!, but j/k. That would be a long way. I think flitting about your area would be much better. Who knew about this swine flu thing? I mean its on the wind here, but not as bad as it seems there. Yay for good cheap food! That was my $1.25 giant carrot cake piece yesterday. This is a lot of rambling. Idk why we are never online at the same time. It is sad :(. Someday it will happen...
